
Annisaa “The Attractive”

“Maafin kita selalu berisik di buss hahahaha terimakasih sudah mengedukasi kami mengenai makanan yang halal dan tayyib! Dan terimakasih untuk Pak Nurdin yang bilang aku paling attractive hahaha”

Nizamia Andalusia Middle School SJ Japan


“Dear Cordova Travel, Terimakasih sudah memberikan kami semua kesempatan untuk pergi trip ke Jepang. Makanannya enak dan halal masyaAllah!!”

Nizamia Andalusia Middle School SJ Japan


“Dear Cordova Travel, Thank you so much for your service and for our immersion in Japan. I Had a wonderful time learning and all. What I really enjoyed about the trip was when we went to the Photon Science lab and the museum as well”

Nizamia Andalusia Middle School SJ Japan

Zahra Fajardini

“Dear Cordova Team, The Trip was amazing. We cannot thank you enough for your attention to details in always finding us places to visit. Thank you for providing us with a lot of background information and history to everything we saw. It was pure pleasure to spend those days with your team.”

Zahra Fajardini
Nizamia Andalusia Middle School SJ Japan


“Dear Cordova, You never let us go hungry, you made sure we had fun, and you protected us always like your own child. Thank you for teaching us so many valuable lessons in life, you taught us to become responsible, disiplince, matured and humble. You’ve even helped us to walk the difficult past itself. Until We Meet Again!”

Nizamia Andalusia Middle School SJ Japan